About Judy Newton

judy-newton-web2Judy Newton, the creator of green heart jewellery, lives in New Brighton, Otautahi/Christchurch. She has recently returned to Te Wai Pounamu/the South Island after 23 years in West Auckland, predominantly in the beautiful bush and sea suburb of Titirangi.

The materials she uses in her jewellery include coloured window glass, stone, ceramic (broken china), and sterling silver. All pieces are individually shaped and/or engraved, using diamond or lapidary equipment. Judy uses recycled materials as much as possible – the glass used is often off-cuts sourced from leadlight-glass studios while the ‘pressed’ vintage glass has had a former life in the doors and windows of old villas. The broken china comes from various sources – her kitchen, op shops, people’s donations… Some china is historic – found in old settlement sites around NZ, it can date back to the 1800s.

The idea of giving materials a new life in a different direction appeals – broken china or off-cut glass becoming a personal adornment. Judy loves using broken cups, plates and other china as a material as there are often stories behind its designs and patterns, with associations and memories that are evocative.

The packaging used by greenheart jewellery reflects the recycling ethos – Judy re-uses bubble-wrap, cardboard and vintage wall paper, and compostable packaging satchels.

Judy’s family were ‘rock hounds’ and she grew up spending hours looking for agate, petrified wood and pounamu in the rivers and beaches of Te Wai Pounamu. This habit continues with finding and collecting stones from around Aotearoa/New Zealand, and tracking down treasure in second hand shops. Judy finds inspiration in the natural landscape of Aotearoa and in Pacific designs.

Judy likes to use recycled china as there are often stories behind its designs and patterns, with associations and memories that are evocative

Kia Ora! Thanks for visiting; the green heart jewellery shop is closed until 10 January 2024. Meri Kirihimete and Happy New Year! Dismiss

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